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On-Call Emergency Eye Care Specialists

The sooner you seek emergency eye care after injury, trauma, or symptoms of infection or disease, the better your chances of successful treatment or full recovery. Pocono Eye Associates offers 24/7/365 on-call eye care services for routine, advanced, and emergency eye conditions. You will be connected directly to a doctor no matter the time of day or day of the week. We offer comprehensive eye exams and eye care services. We can quickly assess your condition and symptoms, offer pain relief, and determine the fastest and most effective solution or treatment option. Call us today to schedule an appointment for emergency eye care in East Stroudsburg, PA.

Emergency Eye Care Specialists in East Stroudsburg, PA

Where to Go for an Eye Emergency

You should call our office immediately if you have an eye emergency. We will assess your symptoms and their severity. In some situations, we may recommend you go straight to a hospital.

What Is an Eye Emergency?

An eye emergency is any condition that causes acute or chronic eye pain, injury, trauma, bleeding, infection, or a foreign body or substance in your eye. You should immediately seek medical treatment if you have any symptoms of an eye emergency, including redness, swelling, bleeding, or pain in your eyes. If you don’t seek immediate care, you risk vision loss, severe eye damage, permanent blindness, or infection. The major eye emergency symptoms you should watch out for are:

  • Partial or total vision loss
  • A sudden, extreme increase of floaters in your eyes
  • Severe burning or stinging in or around your eyes
  • Inability or difficulty opening one or both eyes
  • One eye that doesn’t move like the other
  • Different-sized pupils
  • Acute or chronic eye pain
  • Double vision
  • Sudden or severe change in vision
  • Redness or irritation in or around the eye
  • Sudden or severe sensitivity to light
  • Bruising or bleeding around the eye
  • Blood in the white part of your eye
  • Discharge from the eye
  • Severe itching in or around the eye
  • New, severe, or worsening headaches

Relieving Eye Pain While Waiting for Your Appointment

There are a few things you should and should not do while you wait for your emergency eye care appointment. We make every effort to see patients as soon as possible if they have an eye emergency. However, there are times when you will have to wait briefly for your appointment or wait in our waiting room for our ophthalmologist to arrive. While waiting, you should not:

  • Rub your eye.
  • Apply pressure to your eye.
  • Put anything in your eye unless it is eyewash.
  • Attempt to remove anything from your eye.
  • Put ointment, medication, tweezers, or other instruments in your eye.
  • Put contact lenses in your eyes.
  • Wear eye makeup.

You can do a few things to relieve pain and discomfort while you wait for your appointment:

  • If you have a foreign object, chemical, or substance in your eye, rinse it immediately with saline, fresh water, or an eye wash solution.
  • Keeping your eye closed or wearing a loose eyepatch can ease discomfort and keep air out of your eye.
  • Take over-the-counter pain medication.
  • Wear dark glasses to keep the light out.
  • Avoid reading or driving.

Our Emergency Eye Care Services

We offer comprehensive eye exams, diagnostic services, and emergency eye treatment at our state-of-the-art facility. Our goal is to relieve pain as quickly as possible, assess the situation for severity, diagnose the problem, and find the fastest, safest, and most effective solution. The treatment we recommend will depend on what the emergency is and how severe it is. The most common eye emergencies that we treat are:

  • Foreign objects in the eye
  • Chemical injuries in the eye
  • Foreign substances in the eye
  • Burns to or around the eye
  • Severe eye infections
  • Severe eye trauma
  • Detached retinas
  • Scratches or abrasions to the eye or cornea
  • Black eyes

Call to Schedule an Emergency Eye Exam

Do not delay seeking emergency eye care if you think you have an eye emergency. Call us today at Pocono Eye Associates to schedule an immediate emergency eye exam in East Stroudsburg, PA. We have three convenient offices in East Stroudsburg, Tobyhanna, and Brodheadsville. We answer the phone 24/7/365, and you will be connected to an optometrist or ophthalmologist on call who can answer your questions, assess the situation, and make sure you get the care you need. If you have a non-emergency question about our eye care services, you can also contact us online.


Your Go-To Source for High-Quality Eye Care