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Corneal Transplant Specialists

Corneal damage impacts your vision, comfort, and overall quality of life. Fortunately, it can be alleviated with the advanced care of our board-certified ophthalmologists at Poconos Eye Associates. Discover sustainable relief, improved vision, and preserved eye health with our renowned corneal transplant procedure in East Stroudsburg, PA.

Corneal Transplant Specialists in East Stroudsburg, PA

Your Eye Health Destination

Pocono Eye Associates is your partner in optimal vision and eye health. Backed by a wealth of experience, skilled ophthalmologists and optometrists, and state-of-the-art technology, we are East Stroudsburg, PA’s leading eye care practice. From routine eye examinations to retinal disease treatment and corneal transplant surgery, trust us for the highest standards of care.

The Role of the Cornea

The cornea plays an integral role in your vision. The cornea is the dome-shaped, clear outer layer of the eye. It is responsible for focusing vision onto the retina and refracting light. If the cornea tissue becomes impacted by trauma, disease, or infection, it can quickly lead to impaired vision or complete vision loss.

What Is a Corneal Transplant?

Patients with corneal scarring or swelling caused by infection, trauma, surgery, or disease may pursue corneal transplant surgery. This advanced intervention is a viable option for those with vision inefficiencies but otherwise healthy eyes. The procedure involves removing and replacing compromised cornea tissue with healthy tissue harvested from a donor to improve vision and eye health.

Types of Corneal Transplants

There are three types of corneal transplants. We may recommend a partial-thickness corneal transplant, a full-thickness corneal transplant, or an artificial cornea placement procedure. The corneal transplant modality is based on the cause and extent of the patient’s corneal damage to ensure maximized treatment outcomes.

Conditions Treated with Corneal Transplant Surgery

Corneal transplant procedures are used for patients with insufficient vision that cannot be addressed with contacts or glasses. Corneal transplant surgery is recommended for those with conditions such as keratoconus and Fuchs’ dystrophy that cause corneal swelling. It can also be used for those with corneal trauma, infection, or post-surgery corneal scarring.

When Is a Corneal Transplant Necessary?

Surgical intervention is seldom an ophthalmologist’s first choice for vision correction. Depending on the nature of the corneal damage, medications, laser therapy, or specialized contact lenses may be used to alleviate or reverse symptoms. However, in many cases, these treatments fall short, calling for a corneal transplant procedure.

Corneal Transplant Procedure Candidates

The corneal transplant procedure is a safe and effective way to reverse vision impairments and alleviate pain caused by corneal damage. To be eligible for corneal transplant surgery, patients may have one of the following:

  • Corneal scarring, ulcers, thickening, or swelling.
  • Eye diseases, including Fuchs’ dystrophy
  • Keratoconus
  • Complications from subsequent eye surgery
  • Torn or thinning cornea

Corneal Transplant Assessment

The corneal transplant procedure may vary slightly depending on whether you are receiving a partial, full, or artificial transplant. However, every case begins with a comprehensive assessment to develop a customized treatment plan that aligns with your specific needs. From there, we schedule your procedure at one of our Pocono Eye Associates locations.

Corneal Transplant Procedure

The corneal transplant procedure is performed under general or local anesthesia. A lid speculum is placed to hold the eyes open as we measure the compromised tissue to determine the appropriate amount of donor tissue. We then remove the damaged corneal tissue using a trephine or laser and suture the donor tissue in place.

Endothelial Keratoplasty

In addition to our standard corneal transplant procedure, we provide endothelial keratoplasty surgery. This minimally invasive procedure involves creating a microscopic incision to place a disc of thin donor tissue at the back of the cornea. We then use an air bubble to position the new tissue. No sutures are used as the incision is small and self-healing.

Recovery After Corneal Transplant Surgery

Recovery after corneal transplant surgery takes between six months to one year for the corneal tissue to fully heal. Vision may be blurry during the first few months of recovery. However, it will gradually improve as the eye acclimates to the new tissue. To expedite healing and mitigate discomfort, patients are provided medications and drops.

Schedule an Appointment with Pocono Eye Associates

If you or a loved one is navigating vision concerns due to corneal damage, Pocono Eye Associates is here to get you on track to relief. Look to our board-certified ophthalmologists in East Stroudsburg, PA, for expert corneal transplant surgery. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.


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