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The Best Treatment for Blepharitis

Blepharitis causes symptoms that are uncomfortable and can end up affecting every area of your life. Don’t go another day suffering through blepharitis symptoms. At Pocono Eye Associates, we have a highly skilled and experienced team of optometrists and ophthalmologists who can identify symptoms of blepharitis, evaluate the severity of the condition, and find the most effective treatment option. Call us today to schedule a consultation to learn more about your options for blepharitis treatment in East Stroudsburg, PA.

Effective Blepharitis Treatment in East Stroudsburg, PA

What Is Blepharitis?

Blepharitis is a medical condition that is very common but can be uncomfortable and irritating. The condition can cause skin irritation and swollen eyelids, typically caused by oily skin or certain eye conditions. The edges of your eyes may appear red, inflamed, puffy, and swollen. The skin around your eyes and on your eyelid may become scaly. It can be a complication of an eye infection, clogged oil glands, or other skin conditions that affect the face or area around the eyes. Blepharitis can also cause an infection in your eye; however, the infection is not contagious. One of our experienced ophthalmologists can perform an eye exam and assess your symptoms and condition to diagnose blepharitis.

Recognizing Blepharitis Symptoms

As soon as you see symptoms of blepharitis, you should contact our office for an eye exam and evaluation. If you wait to seek treatment, you are at risk of an eye infection. The most common symptoms of blepharitis are:

  • Eyes that are red, irritated, swollen, or inflamed
  • Itchy, irritated eyes that burn
  • Greasy eyelids
  • Crusty eyelashes and corners of your eyes
  • Eyelids that stick together
  • Flakes of skin around your eyes, eyelashes, or eyelids
  • Dry eyes
  • Excessive tearing
  • Excessive blinking
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Blurry vision
  • Eyelashes falling out
  • Eyelashes that grow towards your eyes instead of away

Blepharitis Types & Causes

There are two different types of blepharitis: anterior blepharitis and posterior blepharitis. The type you have depends on where the condition is located on your eyelids:

  • Anterior Blepharitis – Anterior blepharitis occurs on the front exterior of the eyelid at the point where your eyelashes sprout from your lids. The area will appear red or darker than the surrounding skin, and your skin will be swollen.
  • Posterior Blepharitis – Posterior blepharitis occurs when the glands under your eyelids produce thick and unhealthy oil. This clogs your tear ducts and pores and causes irritation, itchiness, and inflammation.

The most common blepharitis causes are:

  • Excess production of oil from your meibomian glands
  • Skin conditions and infections
  • Rosacea
  • Allergies
  • Dandruff
  • Dry eyes
  • Lice or mites in your eyelashes

Our Blepharitis Treatment Options

The best treatment for blepharitis depends on the type of blepharitis you have and the severity of your symptoms. We will usually start with the most conservative treatment option. We may recommend one or more of the following:

  • Antibiotics
  • Anti-inflammatory medication like steroid eye drops
  • Immunomodulators
  • Clinical procedures like Lipiflow, intense pulsed light therapy, and BlephEx
  • Treating the root cause of blepharitis, such as skin conditions or infections

Complications of Blepharitis

Without proper treatment, there is a risk that you will develop a complication of blepharitis. Some possible complications of blepharitis are:

  • Eye bumps or swelling
  • A sore or ulcer on the cornea
  • Loss of eyelashes
  • Lightening of the color of eyelashes
  • Eyelashes that grow in strange directions
  • Pink eye
  • A stye in your eye
  • Clogged tear ducts
  • Excessive tearing

Preventing Blepharitis

In some cases, blepharitis can be preventable. You can reduce your risk of blepharitis by:

  • Making sure your face, hands, and scalp are clean.
  • Washing your face before bed each night.
  • Not touching your eyes, especially if you haven’t washed your hands.
  • Wiping away excess tears or eye drops.
  • Treating dry eyes.
  • Changing makeup and skin products if you develop a reaction, allergy, or infection.
  • Using anti-dandruff shampoo if you have dandruff.

Schedule an Appointment for an Eye Exam

If you have noticed symptoms of blepharitis, call us today at Pocono Eye Associates or contact us online to schedule an eye exam in East Stroudsburg, PA. We have three convenient offices in East Stroudsburg, Tobyhanna, and Brodheadsville.


Your Go-To Source for High-Quality Eye Care